Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an International non-governmental organization supporting relief and development work in over 99 countries around the world. CRS programs assist person on the basis of need, regardless of creed, ethnicity or nationality works through local church and non-church partners to implement its programs, therefore, strengthening and building the capacity of these partner organizations is fundamental to programs in every country in which CRS operates. CRS re-established presence in Nigeria m 2000 and currently focuses on agriculture, HIV and health extractives and governance, and peace building programming.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Program Manager II
Job Ref Code: PMII211118
Location: Borno
Department: Programs
Job Type: Full Time
Reports To: Director of Early Recovery & Resilience (DERR)
Band: 9
Job Summary
- As Program Manager, you will provide overall leadership to the STaR Nigeria project team and be responsible for the overall management of the project including the quality of programmatic implementation (including monitoring, evaluation and learning) and administrative elements of the project to serve the poor and vulnerable.
- You are responsible for ensuring that project results are achieved on time and on budget, including strategies for phase out and sustainability, and that the budget is consumed as planned. As a senior leader, you will proactively manage security and mitigate security risks.
Education and Experience
- Minimum of Master’s degree in Agriculture, Health, Development Studies or related field
- At least 8 years of working experience in agriculture, development or food security programs – including focus on at least one of the following sectors – agriculture, health, livelihoods, nutrition, or governance/peacebuilding
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite, including Word, Excel and Outlook
- Experience with participatory methods and partnerships
- Excellent English language oral and written communication, training and facilitation skills. Fluency in Hausa and/or Kanuri language is an added advantage as well as experience with northern Nigerian context.
- Proven experience in analyzing gender and applying gender-responsive methods to project implementation.
- Understanding of faith-based organizations and capacity-building in local partnerships
- Experience in staff development and partner capacity
- Understanding of KFW (or German Government) grant provisions, policies and guidelines, including reporting requirements will be an added advantage.
Job Title: Senior Manager, MEAL
Job Ref Code: SMM211118
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Band: 9
Department: Global Fund Malaria Program
Reports To: Chief of Party
Project Background
- CRS has a long and rich history of collaboration with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund). Since 2003, CRS has been awarded over $290 million in Global Fund resources to implement programs in 27 countries.
- In Nigeria, CRS is a sub-recipient (SR) on the Global Fund HIV and Malaria grants and will assume the role of principal recipient (PR) for the Global Fund Malaria grant starting January 2017.
- As PR, CRS will partner with the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP), various state governments and malaria partners and stakeholders to coordinate the 2017 long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLIN) mass campaigns in 6 states. CRS will also oversee an SR and support a range of malaria treatment and prevention services at the state level.
Job Summary
- The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) Senior Manager will provide leadership on all monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) activities to the CRS Global Fund Malaria program; ensure that the project documents progress and achievement of stated objectives; and provide accurate and timely reports to Global Fund and relevant entities of the Government of Nigeria (GON).
- The MEAL Senior Manager reports to the Chief of Party and is accountable for all the monitoring and evaluation, accountability, learning and documentation of technical project related activities, results and program quality.
Specific Job Responsibilities
Monitoring and Evaluation:
- Ensure collection of high-quality reliable and timely data by the SRs to monitor program activities and evaluate progress towards achievement of program objectives and targets.
- Lead the preparation of M&E/program-related reports on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by CRS to the donor and Federal Ministry of Health.
- Ensure that CP MEAL Coordinator and Regional/HQ technical team review all reports/submissions before they are sent to the Global Fund Country Team or Federal Ministry of Health/NMEP.
- Support NMEP and implementers to prepare for the quarterly/annual Program Review meetings with Global Fund Country Team.
- Lead development of the program’s M&E plans and procedures. Ensure plans are adhered to and in line with national M&E strategies, health information management systems, and CRS MEAL Policies and Procedures.
- Work closely with CP MEAL Coordinator and CARO RTA MEAL to ensure that GF Malaria grant aligns with CRS MEAL Policies and Procedures, and meets all audit requirements
- Develop and continually update the M&E Operational Manual to ensure all M&E-related documents, processes and tools are organized, up-to-date, and accessible.
- Support CRS GF Malaria grant staff to engage key populations & beneficiaries in monitoring and evaluating project’s performance and incorporate participatory methods into M&E systems.
- Orient program staff and SRs on the basic principles and practices of beneficiary accountability.
- Lead the development and implementation of feedback and response channels to reflect the preferences of community members and beneficiaries.
Key Working Relationships:
- Internal: CRSGlobal Fund Malaria Team, CP MEAL Coordinator, Program Quality (PQ) Director, Deputy Country Representative Health/Agric, Country Representative, Head of Finance & Grants and Finance team, Head of Supply Chain and Procurement team, CARO RTA MEAL, Regional and Senior Technical Advisors, Deputy Regional Directors for PQ and MQ, GFSU.
- External: Global Fund’s Fund Portfolio Manager and Nigeria Country Team, Sub-Recipients, State Malaria Elimination Programs (SMEP)/State Ministries of Health (SMOH), National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) within the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), Technical and Financial Partners, partner health facilities, Local Fund Agent (LFA), WHO, Auditors.
Qualifications and Skills
- Degree in M&E, a Health-related discipline and/or Master’s Degree in Public Health.
- Minimum of 7 years of experience monitoring and evaluating health programs and providing technical assistance to government and non-government partners in complex donor funded health program (Global Fund experience preferred, developing country setting preferred).
- 3 to 5 years of supervisory experience, excellent partnership and interpersonal skills to work in a team environment with dependable ability to dialogue, network, and work effectively with senior managers of local and international institutions
- Knowledge of national health management information systems, strategies and tools in Nigeria; familiarity with DHIS2.0 platform highly desired
- Demonstrated experience with collection/analysis of epidemiological data
- Understanding of principles and current approaches to M&E for health programming, including knowledge of both quantitative and qualitative methods
- Familiarity with beneficiary accountability mechanisms
- Must be familiar with and committed to gender equity in programming and management practices
- Proficiency in database development/management, and skills in analyzing, interpreting and communicating data and information to various stakeholders
- Experience using ICT4D for data collection
- Significant experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative assessments and surveys
Job Title: IDP Case Management Officer
Job Ref Code: ICMO211118
Locations: Adamawa, Gombe, Yobe and Taraba
Department: Global Fund Malaria Project
Job Type: Full Time
Reports To: GF Malaria Program Officer
Band: 5
- In Nigeria, CRS is the principal recipient (PR) of the Global Fund (GF) Malaria grant from 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2020. As PR, CRS will partner with the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP), 3 subrecipients (SRs), various state governments, malaria partners and stakeholders, to build on current level of achievements by the RBM partnership in-country and contribute to the attainment of the goals and objectives of the NMSP 2014-2020 by providing technical support to State Ministries of Health/ State Malaria Elimination Programs (SMoH/SMEPs).
- As part of the grant, resources have been earmarked to reach out to vulnerable persons and populations-at-risk in line with addressing gender and human rights issues.
- The vulnerable persons include internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have been displaced because of insurgency in North East (NE) Nigeria. Four of the 13 supported states are within the NE zone including Adamawa, Yobe, Gombe and Taraba. CRS conducted a needs assessment for IDPs and host communities in these 4 NE states, the results of which were used to develop an IDP Malaria Response Strategy in North East Nigeria.
- To ensure optimal implementation of the malaria intervention for maximum impact on IDPs, the strategy includes the engagement of full time staff who will be fully focused on the various aspects of the strategy. To this end, CRS will engage 1 staff for a two-year period in each of the 4 states. All staff will be supported by the GF Malaria technical leads on the grant. Below are the job descriptions for the Case Management Officer
Job Summary
- S/he will lead on partnership and collaboration in the state for the strategy implementation, working with all the relevant government agencies, UN humanitarian partners (UN/OCHA, IOM, UNICEF, UNHCR), WHO, ICRC/IFRC, other NGOs, and any other relevant stakeholders. The case Management officer will coordinate GF Malaria IDP activities and engage closely with the IDP leadership in the state. In addition.
- S/he will develop close working relationships with the IDPs and their host communities across the state to monitor the activities of the IDP CORPs.
- S/he will be a member of the humanitarian coordinating mechanism in the state (the Camp Coordination Cluster and the Health Sector Coordination Cluster) to maximize opportunities for collaboration.
- S/he will report to the Program officer, GF Malaria Project with technical oversight from all Unit Heads.
- S/he will also have a close working relationship with SR staff in the state.
Specific Job Responsibilities
- Coordinate implementation of IDP malaria intervention strategy in the state.
- Establish and maintain smooth working relationships with all relevant stakeholders including IDP leadership in the state.
- Liaise closely with government and other humanitarian partners to ensure that all IDPs and host communities are reached with appropriate Malaria interventions.
- Lead the engagement of IDP CORPs to implement Community Case Management (CCM) and Social, Behavioral, Change Communication (SBCC) intervention strategies, working closely with IDP leaders and other stakeholders.
- Adapt CCM curriculum and SBCC tools for use in Malaria intervention in emergency programming.
- Work closely with Program Manager, State Malaria Elimination Program to ensure optimal and prompt implementation of all project activities.
- Ensure that IDP Malaria interventions are implemented in line with national guidelines.
- Build the capacity of implementing personnel in emergency Malaria intervention and data management.
- Work closely with CRS Head of Office Yobe and the CRS Security Team to ensure all security protocols are followed and the safety of staff and project resources are maintained as a priority.
- Ensure that IDP malaria response strategies are implemented according to with donor guidelines within the state.
- Ensure collection of high-quality, reliable and timely data to monitor IDP program activities.
Qualifications and Experience
- M.D/MBBS/Health Sciences Degree required.
- Minimum of 4 years post-NYSC relevant experience in public health with a strong preference for candidates with malaria programming experience.
- Experience working in IDP health programme will be an added advantage.
- Experience with, and a demonstrated commitment to, community-based approach to development in an emergency setting.
- Experience with GF Malaria/HIV/TB project will be a plus.
- Fluency in Hausa is a necessary requirement.
Qualities and Skills
- Previous M&E experience will be an advantage
- Excellent analytical and information seeking skills, and good decision-making skills.
- Ability to interface with multiple stakeholders, representatives, and partners in a professional manner.
- Ability to work both in a team and independently.
- Ability to transfer knowledge through formal and informal training/mentoring.
- Strong inter-personal and public relations skills.
- Ability to travel frequently to the IDP sites within the assigned state
Key Working Relationships:
- Internal: CRS GF Malaria Chief of Party (CoP), Deputy Chief of Party (DCoP), Senior Program Manager, Senior Manager Vector Control, Senior Manager M&E, Senior Manager SCM, Program Officer, Deputy Country Representative (DCR) Health/Agric, DCR North East, HoO Yobe, Security Manager, and North-East team.
- External: SR staff, SMEP Program Managers, State Primary Health Care Agency (SPHCDA), State LMCU Coordinators, LGA LMCU Coordinators, Humanitarian Coordinating Mechanisms (such as Camp Coordination cluster and Health Sector Coordination cluster), UN/OCHA, IOM, Nigerian Red Cross, WHO, IDP Leaders, other I/NGOs working with IDPs in the state.
Job Title: Infrastructure Specialist
Job Ref Code: IFS211118
Location: Borno
Department: Programs
Job Type: Full Time
Reports To: Director of Early Recovery and Resilience, Program Manager II – StaR (dotted line)
Band: 8
Job Summary
- Working closely with the STaR Program Manager for STaR, the Infrastructure Specialist will be overall responsible for the design and construction of all infrastructure projects planned under the STaR project.
- The post holder will similarly be responsible for managing the vendors / construction companies selection process; third party monitoring processes; the cash-for-work (CFW) program; adherence to both KFW and Government of Nigeria construction policies and legislation; and, the safety of construction teams and users of constructed infrastructure.
- The post holder will be responsible for environmental impact assessment and activities to mitigate against environment degradation.
Education and Experience
- Critical: Experience in legislation and policies that govern construction and infrastructure development in Nigeria;
- Critical: Through understanding of Nigeria Government MDAs that regulate construction and infrastructure.
- Critical: At least 5 years hands-on experience in managing construction projects.
- Essential: Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or relevant field.
- Essential: Excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills in English.
- Added advantage: Knowledge of Hausa and / or Kanuri.
- Added advantage: Experience in contracting especially with private sector actors.
- Added advantage: Experience in the not-for-profit sector / government
- Added advantage: Hands on experience in development construction designs / drawings, structural designs and, bills of quantities
- Added advantage: Proficiency in construction software, use of Microsoft Office suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
Job Title: Social Cohesion Officer
Job Ref Code: SCO211118
Location: Borno
Department: Programs
Reports To: Program Manager II
Job Summary
- The Social Cohesion Officer (SCO) will be responsible for peace building, conflict mitigation and re-integration activities in the STaR project.
- This position will work across all sectors and coordinate closely with other CRS colleagues to ensure that CRS activities abide by ‘Do No Harm’ principles; that CRS contributes to the repair of the social fabric; and, that CRS programming protects the rights of the most vulnerable groups.
- This position requires close interaction with community members and local governance structures.
- This position requires a down-to-earth, outgoing person that can quickly conceptualize and react to his / her environment.
- Personal security awareness and tactful communication is essential for the position holder’s security and CRS’ reputation.
Education and Experience
- Critical: Outgoing personality with local language skills and advanced level of intra and inter-personal communication.
- Critical: Advanced security awareness and experience in similar environment.
- Essential: Bachelor’s Degree in Political Sciences, Administration or relevant field or equivalent experience.
- Essential: Minimum 3 years of experience in management of governance projects in developing countries. Experience in Nigeria and particularly the North East will be a bonus.
- Essential: Demonstrated experience in designing governance trainings and establishing governance structures at both the community and government levels.
- Essential: Strong team player with the ability to take initiative and work well independently.
- Essential: Excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills in English, Hausa and Arabic.
- Added advantage: Proven experience in working closely with government MDAs in Nigeria. Thorough understanding of the Nigerian Government structure at the National, State and LGA levels.
- Added advantage: Ability to exercise good judgment, discretion, tact, and diplomacy.
- Added advantage: Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
Job Title: Grant Specialist
Job Ref Code: GS211118
Location: Borno, Nigeria
Band: 6
Department: Operations
Reports To: Awards Management Officer, Grants Manager – StaR (dotted line)
Job Summary
- The Grants Specialist will ensure that the STaR project complies with KFW regulations and CRS Agency’s Finance Policies and Procedures especially focusing on the principle of stewardship.
- This position is overall in charge of financial management on the STaR project in Nigeria.
Education and Experience
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Accounting, Finance or related field plus a qualification in accounting (ICSA/ACCA or equivalent);
- At least 5 years’ experience in financial management for development/humanitarian projects;
- Extensive financial and grant management experience working with non-governmental organization sub-recipients and other sub-grantees
- Familiarity with German Government (KFW, BMZ, GFFO) financial regulations, policies and practices; OR experience working at a senior level on a DFID/EU/ECHO-funded grant;
- Knowledge of Sun Systems financial accounting package or similar financial management and reporting software;
- Flexibility to work both in a team and independently;
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite, including Word, Excel and Outlook;
- Full professional proficiency in spoken and written English;
Job Title: Accountability Assistant
Job Ref Code: ACA211118
Location: Borno, Nigeria
Band: 4
Department: Programs
Reports To: Accountability Officer
Job Summary
- You will provide service in the day-to-day delivery of responsive, effective and efficient feedback mechanism in support of the Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) mission to serve the poor and vulnerable.
- You will provide consistent and high-quality service and contribute to the proper handling of beneficiaries ‘feedback and complaints to help ensure operational effectiveness in support of high-quality programming.
Education and Experience
- High School Diploma required. Professional diploma/Certificate or courses in Administration preferred.
- Experience working in an office environment in a clerical or administrative role. Experience with a local or international NGO a plus.
- Additional education may substitute for some experience.
- Experience with typing/word processing, data entry into online databases and forms, and working with various office equipment.
- Experience in MS Office package (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio) and information management systems. Proficient in Word.
Job Title: MEAL Officer
Job Ref Code: MEAL211118
Location: Yola, Adamawa
Department: Programs
Job Type: Full Time
Reports To: Program Manager II – StaR, MEAL Manager (dotted line)
Band: 7
Job Summary
- The MEAL Officer will manage, strengthen, and provide strategic guidance on STaR’s Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL).
- S/he will supervise MEAL activities across all sectors including periodic assessments / surveys and routine gathering of project implementation information collection.
- S/he will create efficient systems for accountability to beneficiaries, donors and other stakeholders.
- S/he will collate and archive project documentation; build capacity of project staff to enable them meet STaR MEAL requirements
- S/he will foster cross-learning among projects; and, s/he will work closely with the Program Manager to meet KFW and CRS reporting requirements.
Education and Experience
- Thorough understanding and application of international accountability frameworks.
- Advanced understanding of MEAL standards used by major donors including USAID, Government of Germany, DFID and EU.
- Bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences, Monitoring and Evaluation or relevant field or equivalent experience.
- Minimum 3 years of experience in a senior MEAL role and on an institutional donor grant of not less than Euros 3M per year.
- Demonstrated experience in planning and delivering effective trainings.
- Strong team player with the ability to take initiative and work well independently.
- Excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills in English.
- Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
- Knowledge of Hausa and Kanuri is an added advantage.
- Knowledge of CRS MEAL standards and policies.
- Prior experience in a similar position in the Northeast Region of Nigeria.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should download the “CRS Application Form” using the link below, fill and send with a detailed Resume as one document (in a PDF Format) indicating position being applied for and the Job Ref Code as the subject of the application to: [email protected]
Click here to Download Application Form
Application Deadline 4th December, 2018.