Shehu Idris College of Health Sciences and Technology, Makarfi – The Institution has been in existence since 1954. In 2005 it became a full- pledged Monotechnic as established by the Kaduna State Law No.8 of 2005, which was revised in 2010. It has 2 campuses in Makarfi main and Kaduna and College designated Practice Area at Family Health Unit, Tudun-Wada, Kaduna. It operates collegial system with Six (6) Schools, namely; School of Community Health Sciences, School of Dental Health Sciences, School of Environmental Health Sciences, School of General and Applied Sciences, School of General Health Sciences and School of Public Health Nursing. Each School is headed by a Director. The College has 403 staff, and over 4,000 students undertaking 30 programmes in 17 Departments.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill vacant positions of:
Job Title: Provost
Location: Kaduna
Job Description
- The Provost is the Chief Executive Officer of the College responsible to the Governing Council as provided in the College Edict.
- As the Chief Academic, Administrative and Accounting Officer of the Monotechnic, He/She is charged with the general responsibility for all matters relating to the day to day Management and operation of the College.
Qualifications and Experience
- Possession of at least Academic Master’s Degree from a recognized institution in relevant (Health) field taught in the College. Possession of PhD would be an added advantage.
- Must be a Chief Lecturer,
- Must have at least 15 years post graduate teaching, research and administrative experience with at least 9 years in the Polytechnic sub-sector.
- Be proficient in information and communication Technology (ICT),
- Must provide evidence of capacity to generate funds/research grants from external agencies,
- Must provide report of physical fitness from a recognized Government hospital,
- Must be morally sound of impeccable probity and integrity, free from financial embarrassment,
- Be a person who is not likely to pursue racial, ethnic, political, religious or other sectional interest.
- Provide evidence of strong academic and administrative leadership,
- Must provide evidence of membership of recognized professional institution or registration with a regulatory body in Nigeria,
- Produce evidence of scholarly publications in reputable journals, as well as presentation of papers at conferences, seminars or workshops,
Terms/Condition of Appointment
- The appointment is for an initial period of 4 years, and renewable subject to satisfactory performance for another and final 4 years
- Salary of Provost is CONTISS 15/9 plus 30% responsible allowance, other benefit as contained in the condition of service:
- An official car,
- A soft furnish accommodation,
- Security and domestic staff.
Job Title: Director of Works
Location: Kaduna
- The Director of Works is a Principal Officer responsible to the Provost for the day to day administration of the Works Department.
- He/She is responsible for the Overall control of the Works and Estate Department, Formulating divisional strategies to achieve the Institutional goals, Planning and controlling the technical activities of the works department, Advising the Provost on the acquisition, operation and maintenance of all College assets and Preparing the Works Department’s Budget.
- A holder of a good honour Degree or HND plus relevant PGD in any relevant Engineering field, Architecture or Quantity Survey with at least 15 years cognate work experience, relevant Masters Degree from a recognized institution of higher learning with at least 12 years cognate work experience or a suitable Chief Engineer/Chief Architect who has spent a minimum of 3 years on his substantive post.
- In either case, the candidate shall have at least 9 years working experience in Tertiary Institutions of higher learning accredited by NBTE, NCC or NUC.
- He/She must possesses registration with a recognize professional body (COREN, NIQS, NIA), evidence demonstrative ability administrative leadership.
Condition of Appointment
- The appointment is for an initial period of 4 years, and renewable subject to satisfactory performance for another and final 4 years.
- Salary of the Director of Works is CONTISS 15/9 plus 20% responsible allowance, other benefit as contained in the condition of service:
- An official car,
- A soft furnish accommodation.
Job Title: College Librarian
Location: Kaduna
- The College Librarian is a Principal Officer responsible to the Provost for the day to day administration of the College Library.
- He/She is a member of Academic Board and Senior/Junior Staff Assessment and Promotion Committee.
- He/She is responsible for Library services and leadership of the College Library.
- A holder of MLS in Library Science not below a Deputy Librarian with 15 years cognate work experience, good Bachelor Degree in Library Science plus relevant post graduate Diploma with 16 years cognate work experince or a substantive Chief Librarian with 14 years cognate working experience.
- In either case, the candidate shall have at least 9 years working experience in Tertiary Institutions of higher learning accredited by NBTE, NCC or NUC.
- He/She must possesses registration with recognize professional body, demonstrative ability to offer academic administrative leadership, evidence of publication and community service.
Condition of Appointment
- The appointment for an initial period of 4 years, and renewable subject to satisfactory performance for another and final 4 years.
- Salary of the College Librarian is CONTISS 15/9 plus 20% responsible allowance, other benefit as contained in the condition of service:
- An official car,
- A soft furnish accommodation.
Job Title: Bursar
Location: Kaduna
- The Bursar is a Principal Officer of the College and member of the Governing Council.
- He/She is the Chief Financial Officer of the College and responsible to the Provost.
- The Bursar plans, organizes, direct and coordinates the operations of the financial system of the College.
- He/She is to prepare financial report of the institution including income and expenditure at every meeting of the finance and General Purpose Committee.
- He/she is responsible for the production of draft annual estimate of income and expenditure, determine all accounting procedures and records of the College accounting system.
- A good honour degree or HND plus relevant Post graduate Diploma in Accounting or Finance from a recognized institution of higher learning with at least 15 years post qualification experience, a holder of Master’s Degree with 12 years cognate work experience or Chief Accountant/Deputy Bursar, Chief Internal Auditor with Four (4) Years experience in that post.
- In either case, the candidate shall have at least 9 years working experience in Tertiary Institutions of higher learning accredited by NBTE, NCC or NUC.
Condition of Appointment
- The appointment is for an initial period of 4 years, and renewable subject to satisfactory performance for another and final 4 years
- Salary of the Bursar is CONTISS 15/9 plus 20% responsibility allowance, other benefit as contained in the condition of service:
- An official car
- A soft furnish accommodation.
Job Title: Registrar
Location: Kaduna
- The Registrar is a Principal Officer responsible to the Provost for the day to day administration of the College.
- He/She is the Secretary to the Governing Council and all statutory Committees as well the secretary to the Academic Board.
- He/She is responsible for keeping records in the institution and would provide leadership to the Registry Department as well as perform such other duties as the council or the Provost may direct from time to time.
- Candidate must be a holder of a good honours degree or HND plus relevant Post Graduate from a recognized institution of higher learning with at least 15 years post qualification cognate experience or a holder of Master’s or Doctorate Degree with at least 12 years post qualification cognate experience or a suitable Deputy Registrar who must have spent a minimum of 4 years in that post and must be registered with a relevant professional body.
- In either case the candidate should have a minimum of 9 years working experience in Tertiary Institution accredited by NBTE, NCC or NUC.
Condition of Appointment
- The appointment is for an initial period of 4 years, and renewable subject to satisfactory performance for another and final 4 years.
- Salary of the Registrar is CONTISS 15/9 plus 20% responsible allowance, other benefit as contained in the condition of service:
- An official car,
- A soft furnish accommodation.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should forward 15 copies of their Applications, including Photocopies of their Certificates to the “Ag. Registrar and Secretary to the Council of the College”, using the address below, indicating:
- Full names (Surname first and underline),
- Date of Birth,
- State of Origin and Local Government Area,
- Marital status,
- Number and date of birth of children,
- Permanent home address, postal address, email and phone number,
- Qualifications and institutions with dates (certified copies of certificate to be attached),
- Scholarly publications,
- Membership of professional bodies/association,
- Previous employment and position held with dates,
- A short write up of not more than 300 words of the applicant vision for the College,
- Name of 3 referees.
Candidates are required to produce the originals of their certificate and other credentials during the interview. The application should be submitted in sealed envelope labeled “Application fot the Post of Provost, Shehu Idris College of Health Sciences and Technology P.M.B Km 35, Off Zaria-Kano Express Way Makarfi, Kaduna State, Ngeria”.
Candidates should also request their referees to send confidential report on them in sealed envelope labeled “Confidential Report” to the:
Ag. Registrar and Secretary to the Council,
Shehu Idris College of Health Sciences and Technology,
P.M.B Km 35, Off Zaria-Kano Express Way Makarfi,
Kaduna State.
Application Deadline 10th January, 2019.