Ai-Royal Hotel & Suites Recent Job Opportunities [13 Positions]

Posted on :

21 Jan, 2019

Category :

Hotel Jobs in Nigeria

Ai-Royal Hotel & Suites is a uniquely designed hotel that seamlessly combines luxury and comfort. Also, an example of excellence, where standards and values are high aiming at always delighting our customers and staff welfare satisfaction has vacancies in the following positions:

1.) Female Waiters
2.) Continental Chef
3.) Indian/Chinese Chef
4.) General Manager
5.) Electrical Engineer
6.) Budget Analyst
7.) Elevator/Mechanical Engineer
8.) Club Managers
9.) Co-operate Marketers
10.) Human Resource Representatives
11.) Accountants
12.) Hospitality Trainer
13.) Computer Engineer

General Requirements

  • Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications and experience.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV and Applications to: [email protected]

For enquiries call:
 08134217925, 08052510230, 08164595508

Application Deadline  27th January, 2019.

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